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Monthly Archives: August 2020

How to Choose Correct Signage for the Outside of your Business

It’s no secret that business owners want to attract attention to their place of business, but what’s the best way?


Well here’s our secret: Lighted Exterior Signs


We produce the highest quality exterior signage that will command attention with their show-stopping design and clarity. You’ll see our premium-quality signs, especially in the northern Atlanta region, specializing in the restaurants, hospitals, and shopping centers.

Before you choose an exterior backlit sign, keep in mind that you’ll need an electrical junction behind the wall or in the ceiling above.

Here are some options that not only do we specialize in- but we recommend:

4 Tips to Make your Signage Stand Out

Giving your signage design that wow factor involves more than opting for an extra-large format or having it printed in – heaven forbid –fluorescent ink. In the world of signage, simple does it best – albeit with a creative twist. This article lines up four tried-and-tested tips to make your signage stand out for all the right reasons.

High-Impact Seasonal Signage to Set Go

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4 Reasons Good Signage is Essential for Your Business

Nowadays, a successful, growing business depends on many more factors than in the past. It’s not a surprise that in such a competitive environment, business owners/managers are required to put extra efforts in their marketing strategies just to stand out.

Besides establishing effective communication with customers, and adequately advertising the products and/or services a business offers, good business signage is the most efficient andf cost-effective form of advertisement to get brand exposure and attract customers.


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