Pangolin For Windows
– Fast
– Works in the background
– Detects many types of web application back-end database managers
– Support multiple options to handle back-end database fingerprinting
– Support SQL injection post exploitation and to retrieve username and password
– Enumerate users, password hashes, privileges
– Read files and directories from web application
– Dump web applications user specific DBMS tables/columns
– Execute own SQL statement against databases
– Available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Why use Pangolin Torrent Download?
Pangolin Activation Code’s goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications. Once it detects one or more SQL injections on the target host, the user can choose among a variety of options to perform an extensive back-end database management system fingerprint, retrieve DBMS session user and database, enumerate users, password hashes, privileges, databases, dump entire or users specific DBMS tables/columns, run his own SQL statement, read specific files on the file system and more.
Test many types of databases
Your web applications using Access,DB2,Informix,Microsoft SQL Server 2000,Microsoft SQL Server 2005,Microsoft SQL Server 2008,MySQL,Oracle,PostgreSQL,Sqlite3,Sybase?
Pangolin Crack Keygen supports all of them. Get Pangolin and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!
Pangolin Description:
– Fast
– Works in the background
– Detects many types of web application back-end database managers
– Support multiple options to handle back-end database fingerprinting
– Support SQL injection post exploitation and to retrieve username and password
– Enumerate users, password hashes, privileges
– Read files and directories from web application
– Dump web applications user specific DBMS tables/columns
– Execute own SQL statement against databases
– Available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux
Why use pangolin?
pangolin’s goal is to detect and take advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities on web applications. Once it detects one or more SQL injections on the target host, the user can choose among a variety of options to perform an extensive back-end database management system fingerprint, retrieve DBMS session user and database, enumerate users, password hashes, privileges, databases, dump entire or users specific DBMS tables/columns, run his own SQL statement, read specific files on the file system and more.
Test many
Pangolin For PC
The KEYMACRO utility is an extremely powerful static analysis tool for handling and analyzing MAC passwords. At its most basic level, KEYMACRO scans the input stream for a MAC sequence, such as “aaS”, “HVL” or “CQQE” and then finds the equivalent string in the output stream. The output stream can be generated by an input file, an output file or STDIN.
1) MACs: Store multiple macs in a file.
2) MACs analysis: If a string is found in the input stream it will be passed to an analysis and saved in a tab-separated file.
3) Formats: Save a specific MAC format to a file.
4) Passwords: Store an entire password file.
5) Unicode: Support for MAC and Password unicode.
6) Encryption: Support for MAC and Password encryption.
7) User Defined Functions: Generate MACs and save them to file.
8) Keys: Store and generate MACs based on user defined keys.
9) Try it: Run KEYMACRO in interactive mode.
10) FAQ: Details about the utility.
11) Tutorial: How to use the tool.
12) Source: Source code for the project.
How to use this tool:
Run the executable.
When asked for input, type a MAC followed by a carriage return (CTRL-D). Then type another MAC followed by a carriage return.
Example: Type “HVL” followed by “CQQE” followed by CTRL-D.
Save the results in the file called “results.txt”.
Restore the file to disk.
Connect to the target host and start Pangolin.
Select “Daemon” as Pangolin’s purpose.
In the “File” list, double-click on “results.txt”.
Browse to a folder to save the result file.
In the “Database” list, double-click on the “Access Database Engine 2010” database.
In the “File system” list, double-click on “results.txt”.
In the “Results” list, double-click on “Unicode keys” and click “OK”.
In the “Keys” list, double-click on the second MAC and click “OK”.
In the “Options” list, double-click on “Batch mode”.
Click on the “Run” button
Pangolin PC/Windows
The primary function of the sqlViewDiff tool is to compare a SQL view to another SQL view. When sqlViewDiff is invoked, a list of differences between the two views is presented. In order to make a change to the first SQL view, the user must make the change to the second view, then invoke sqlViewDiff again to see the effects of the change in the first view. To compare the views and view differences, the user must invoke the command with the flags -h and -o.
SQL View Diff Usage:
[flags] [file name or dir name] [view name] [view name2]
h – Display help information.
o – Display all SQL views.
To view a view difference, use the flag -o (for only one view).
SQL View Diff Examples:
sqlViewDiff -h
View Differences:
view1 view2 [difference]
View Differences:
view1 view2
select count(*) from examples.sql where 1 = 1;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM examples.sql WHERE 1 = 1;
sqlViewDiff -h
View Diff Help:
An example of how to use this tool to diff a view
sqlViewDiff -h
Display this help message.
create view v as select * from sys.columns;
create view v as select * from sys.columns where 1 = 1;
View Diff:
create view v as select * from sys.columns;
create view v as select * from sys.columns where 1 = 1;
Show Selected Views:
sqlViewDiff -o example1.sql example2.sql
Display all selected views.
sqlViewDiff -o example1.sql example2.sql example3.sql
Display all selected views.
sqlViewDiff -o example1.sql example2.sql example3.sql example4.sql
Display all selected views.
Only Show Selected Views:
sqlViewDiff -o example1.sql example2.sql example3.sql example4.sql
Show selected views.
Example 1:
create view v as select * from sys.columns where 1 = 1;
Example 2:
create view v as select * from sys.columns where 1 = 1;
Example 3:
create view v as select * from
What’s New In?
A web application penetration tester (wapet) capable of testing multiple back-end databases and databases engines, from various vendors.
Pangolin – Web Application Penetration Testing Tool
If you are looking for a serious web application penetration tester (wapet), capable of testing many different back-end databases from a variety of different vendors, then you have arrived at the right place!
After downloading and installing the stand-alone wapet from the website or clicking the Install Pangolin button below, select the main wapet executable and run it.
During the welcome screen, you can see a complete list of back-end databases supported, as well as the available options for connecting to them.
There are a lot of different options available for this functionality, such as:
Different DBMSs: Supports Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, DB2, Informix, Sybase, SQLite3, PostgreSQL, DB2, MS SQL Server 2000, MS SQL Server 2005, Microsoft Access, and more.
Multiple engine support: Supports JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) and ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) connectivity.
Password Cracking (SHA1, SHA2 and MD5): Even the most secure passwords can be hacked using a dictionary attack. Pangolin includes the option to perform a dictionary attack against each user account, password, and privilege identified by the system.
Batch and Scripting capabilities: Includes both command line and easy-to-use scripting environment for non-programmers.
Automated Database Scans: Pangolin will scan for the most common back-end databases for web applications and report the findings.
Detailed Security Information: This feature allows for exporting information regarding each of the user accounts identified on the target system into a detailed report.
Portable: Pangolin can be run stand-alone as an MSI-Installer or run from a.WAR archive.
Save Results: When Pangolin finishes the scan, it will save the complete report into a.ZIP file with the settings.xml and the test-results.csv.
You can save the results as a file, but you can also save the results to any file type including text, XML, HTML, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more.
Import and Export of the results: Pangolin comes with a comprehensive set of import and export functions. You can import the results from a file or directly from the screen of Pangolin.
You can also export the results to any of the supported file types, such as CSV, XML, HTML, text, Excel, PowerPoint, Word or others.
Both the settings.xml file and the test-results.csv file can be included in the import.
Supported Databases
You can choose which back-end database engine
System Requirements:
Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Processor: 1.8 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTX 460/AMD Radeon HD 5770 or higher
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 5 GB available space
Additional Notes: Broadband Internet connection, Windows Media Center and Optional Audio: Dolby Digital Plus
Minimum System Requirements:
Processor: 1 GHz or