National Sign Service and Maintenance
The image of your property is crucial to your overall brand and when your sign lighting fails you need prompt response to repair your signage or lighting. IdentiCom service department will dispatch a service crew within 24 hours and in most cases a crew will be on site within 72 hours for non-emergencies. It is crucial to ensure your overall brand is sustained with your signage solutions and maintenance. If lighting fails due to weather or technical issues you need someone on call immediately to assist and we are there to help.
Maintaining your image of your brand at the retail level can be a costly situation. Having an expert on your staff to help support that infrastructure can increase the overhead and affect your bottom line. It’s a difficult situation to balance both from a stress and cost perspective.The initial investment in your brand in most cases is substantial and it is critical to maintain your image beyond 10 years from now to look the same as it is today. By using the best technology and materials available is one sure method to achieve the long term goal for your image.
However, not all materials are capable of sustaining their integrity such as electrical and lighting components along with exposure to airborne elements affecting the esthetics of your brand inside and outside of the sign. After the standard (1) warranty that comes with the purchase of a sign a maintenance agreement will ultimately solve this issue with mini-mum involvement by the end-user. A typical maintenance agreement usually runs for 36 to 60 months. Terms can be negotiated to be paid monthly, quarterly or annually with the option to renew the agreement.
Entrepreneurs and business managers alike are busy minding their business to increase sales and maintain low operating costs. An agreement would grant you the solace of know-ing that when a sign problem arises your sign vendor will fix the problem usually within 72 hours at no additional cost. The advantage of a maintenance agreement include a low fixed monthly cost that the client can put in their budgets for such service and reduce the down-time for a sign because of speedy responsiveness from the initial call to site visit.
A poor image due to electrical failure within your sign or wear and tear due to the environ-ment can critically hurt your image and brand. A preventative and on-call Maintenance program designed to protect your investment and optimize the integrity of your brandwith very little down.
Relating to any electrical issues and service call is placed by the client to your sign vendor agreement holder describing such electrical failure. Upon receipt of the call your sign vendor will confirm with the client and dispatch a Service Crew within 72 hours to the site to examine the problem and repair or replace as necessary.